Pierre de Buyl's homepage

Current teaching

Internship and M.Sc. thesis

Students from a Belgian university can do an internship or a M.Sc. thesis (mémoire/masterproef) at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium. Example of topics:

Contact me (main topic: satellite imagery; department: Observations) or my colleague Jonathan Demaeyer (main topic: statistical methods; department: Meteorological and climatological services) to discuss the orientation that matches best your academic interests. For all projects, there will be computer programming in either C (for some operational programs, for instance) or Python (using open-source packages such as satpy). Our emails are firstname.lastname@meteo.be

Past teaching (selected contributions)

Musée de physique


Student research projects

From 2nd year of bachelor to final year of master.

Doctoral and Master training

Statistical Mechanics, fall 2014, 2015, KU Leuven

Exercises for Enrico Carlon's statistical mechanics class.

Advanced Statistical Physics, spring 2016, KU Leuven

Exercises for Carlo Vanderzande.

PHYS-F413, 2011-2012, ULB

Méthodes de simulation microscopique, Michel Mareschal.

In charge of simulation assignements.

phys-f-101, 2005-2010, ULB

Cours de Physique Générale de BA1 en sciences, Pasquale Nardone et Frank Ferrari.

Exercices, laboratoires et gestion (site web, examens, notes de labo, horaires, équipe pédagogique).

phys-f-201 et phys-f-203, 2008-2010, ULB

Laboratoires associés aux cours de thermodynamique et mécanique quantique (phys-f-201 et phys-f-203), Jean-Paul Ryckaert et Serge Massar.

phys-f-314, 2006-2010, ULB

Cours d'électronique de BA3 Physique, Philippe Emplit.

Exercices et laboratoires.

Algemene Natuurkunde III, fall 2017, fall 2018, fall 2019, KU Leuven

Introduction to quantum physics and relativity.

KU Leuven Master students - Thesis project

Self-propelled particles, also called nanomotors, are small devices that convert the energy of a fuel into motion. They have been made and observed in laboratories and are the subject of intensive theoretical studies. Synthetic motors share traits with biological motors: length-scale, fuel consumption, fluctuations.

I propose to work on the simulation and modeling of chemically propelled nanomotors. This work involves computer programs that combines the Multiparticle Collision Dynamics (MPCD) algorithm, Molecular Dynamics (MD) and chemical activity. The type of the motor can be simple (two spheres, the "dimer" or "dumbbell" motor) or more complicated assembly of particles. The most critical part of the work is to understand how the fluids organizes around a motor and ultimately exerts a propulsive force on it. Comparison to simpler models of stochastic particles will be made.

Familiarity with statistical physics, computer simulations and programming is strongly encouraged. The focus can be directed towards numerical work (GPU computing, etc) or towards the modeling (stochastic processes).

The computational work done during the thesis, on the basis of existing programs, will be released publicly (code, scripts and data) under open license.

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